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The Commissions of both Houses of Parliament have made a united commitment to preserve the Palace of Westminster for future generations. In July 2022, Members of both Houses agreed that there needs to be a more aligned and integrated approach to future restoration, prioritising safety critical work.

The Commissions agreed that the programme of works should initially focus on the following priority areas:

  • Fire safety and protection  
  • Replacement of mechanical, electrical, drainage and plumbing, and data and communications systems
  • Asbestos management and wider health and safety issues
  • Conservation of the building fabric including stonework.

The new approach and governance structure culminated in the creation of a two tier governance structure comprising the R&R Client Board and an R&R Programme Board. These Boards have been integrated into existing Parliamentary structures through the two Houses’ Commissions and supported by a joint department called the R&R Client Team.

The R&R Client Board, made up of members of both Houses' Commissions, is responsible for making critical strategic choices and recommendations relating to the restoration and renewal of the Palace of Westminster.

The R&R Programme Board is made up of members of both Houses; the Clerk of the House of Commons and the Clerk of the House of Lords; and lay members, with the right skills and expertise, particularly in major programmes, to fulfil its remit. The R&R Programme Board has day to day oversight of the project and reports to the R&R Client Board.

The Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Act 2019 (as amended) established the original mandate to restore and renew the Palace of Westminster. The Act provided for the establishment of the Restoration and Renewal Delivery Authority to design and deliver the restoration and renewal works, overseen, scrutinised and instructed by the R&R Client Team which is a joint department of both Houses of Parliament.

In collaboration with Parliamentary colleagues, the Delivery Authority is developing a broad range of options for the scale, scope and delivery of restoration and renewal work. Once the scope has been determined, and the complex investigations on this huge project are complete and designs agreed, the proposed approach to the works and costs will be put to Members of both Houses for a decision to be made.